I want to take a moment to acknowledge the incredible efforts of all my fellow educators out there.
We all know that May is one of the toughest months for us. It's a time when burnout begins to set in, and we find ourselves juggling numerous challenges.Staff changes are in the air for the next year, and our class schedules may be changing teaching different courses. We have parents and students reaching out, seeking extra credit or assistance with grades. Administration expects us to meticulously check low grades, personally contacting parents and counselors, even though all the information is readily available on digital gradebooks and learning management systems.
The weight on our shoulders is immense.
During this Teacher Appreciation Week, what would truly make a difference is if, as parents, you hold your child accountable for their actions throughout the entire semester.
Let's move away from the last-minute scramble to improve grades in the final weeks. As administrators, let's trust in our teachers' ability to do their jobs well.
Let's have faith that they have done everything in their power to motivate and encourage learning in their classrooms.
Recognize that there are countless factors beyond their control when it comes to student outcomes, and understand that the end of a school year is like the last mile of a marathon.To my fellow educators, thank you for your unwavering dedication and diligence throughout the entire year. You've worked tirelessly to support the youth in our classrooms, navigating through challenges, and striving to make a difference. Your commitment to education does not go unnoticed.
Together, let's continue to empower and inspire the next generation. Thank you!

Peter Hostrawser
Creator of Disrupt Education
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