Experience: The Key to Learning

Written on
September 20, 2024
Peter Hostrawser

Why Experience is the Best Teacher: A Call to Action for Businesses and Schools

Can you learn to ride a bike by reading about it? Sure, you can collect all the knowledge—balance, pedaling, braking techniques, and the science of momentum. But the truth is, you’ll never really learn to ride a bike until you hop on and experience the thrill, the falls, and the mastery for yourself. It’s the same with education.

In today’s world, schools are tasked with preparing students for the workforce, yet the reality is that learning only through textbooks and lectures doesn’t provide the full picture. Experience is the best teacher, and this is where local businesses and organizations come into play.

Experience: The Key to Learning

Think about how you learned in your profession. It’s likely that while school gave you a foundation, it was real-world experience that taught you the true ins and outs. From hands-on projects to on-the-job challenges, those experiences shaped your skill set and gave you the ability to adapt and excel. Now imagine if students had those same opportunities while still in school.

Too often, we fall into the mindset that schools should handle all of a child’s education. But this mentality overlooks the immense value that real-world experience can provide. We need to shift our thinking and recognize that education is a shared responsibility between schools, communities, and businesses.

Businesses: The Gatekeepers of Real-World Learning

Businesses and organizations hold part of the key to providing their local communities with opportunities to learn, grow, and apply academic knowledge to real-world situations. Through internship programs, team-based classroom challenges with actual outcomes, job shadowing, and blended learning initiatives, students can experience firsthand how the skills they are developing in school translate into the workplace.

High School Internships and Beyond

High school internships offer a powerful way for students to get hands-on experience while still being guided by professionals in the field. But it doesn’t stop there. Companies can partner with schools to create classroom challenges—real-world problems that students can solve as part of their coursework, giving them the chance to see the tangible results of their efforts.

Blended learning opportunities that merge traditional curriculum with practical applications can help students make the connection between theory and practice, setting them up for success beyond the classroom. The more schools and local businesses collaborate, the stronger the bridge between academics and real-world skills becomes.

A Call to Action

Now is the time to make these changes. We have to let go of the belief that schools alone can prepare students for the future. Schools are the foundation, but the experiences students gain from working with businesses and community organizations are the walls that build a career.

By opening your doors and working with local schools, you’re not only helping students, but you’re also investing in the future workforce of your community. As professionals, it’s our responsibility to share what we’ve learned through experience and give students the same opportunities that shaped us.

Let’s stop limiting education to the classroom and start creating real-world learning experiences that will truly prepare our students for life after school.

Now’s your chance to be part of the change. How will your business or organization step up?

Peter Hostrawser
Creator of Disrupt Education
My value is to help you show your value. #Blogger | #KeynoteSpeaker | #Teacher | #Designthinker | #disrupteducation
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